Judge ($46,000-83,000)
Job Description
Judges interpret laws to resolve disputes between conflicting parties. There are
two basic types of judges: trial judges and appellate judges.
Trial judges rule on pretrial motions, conduct pretrial hearings between parties
to resolve points of conflict between the parties, and thereby make for more
efficient trials. Trial judges rule on points of law. In bench trials, they are
also called upon to render a verdict.
Appellate judges review possible errors of law made by trial judges and write
decisions, which then become part of common law, or judge-made law.
In addition, some judges, called administrative judges or hearing officers, are
employed by administrative agencies to make decisions about conflicts involving
the rules and regulations of particular government agencies.
Judges must have graduated from a law school accredited by the American Bar
Association and must have passed the state's bar examination. This means that
judges have had a minimum of seven years of education beyond high school. In
addition, because most judges are appointed or elected to their positions,
several years of establishing a reputation as a successful practitioner of law
is considered essential.
competition is usually great for judicial positions. Depending on the type of
position, a committee of the local, state, or national bar association is asked
to review the record of lawyer applicants and then make a recommendation to a
public official, who makes the appointment. In some areas, political parties
select candidates for judgeships. These individuals campaign on a particular
platform, and the voters elect them to office.
exception to these requirements exists. The office of justice of the peace,
which has some judicial responsibilities, need not be held by a lawyer in some
Special Skills
Judges must be both very knowledgeable about the law and highly skilled in legal
research. They must be excellent listeners and must have the ability to quickly
analyze areas of dispute between opposing parties. Judges must have high ethical
standards. They must also be able to write well and give precise instructions to
all parties in the courtroom. Above all, they must be able to make sound
Salary and Benefits
The amount of money a judge makes depends on the type and location of the court
where the judge presides. In 1994, federal trial court judges averaged over
$133,000 a year, while federal appellate judges earned about $142,000. State
trial court judges averaged about $91,000, with salaries ranging from $64,000 to
$131,000. State appellate court salaries averaged over $94,000. Judges in state
and federal systems have most of their medical and retirement benefits paid for
by the court system.
Working Conditions
Judges work primarily in courtrooms, in law libraries, and in their chambers.
Like the attorneys who practice in their courtrooms, judges often work much
longer than 40 hours a week. In fact, because of the increasing amount of
litigation, it is not unusual for judges to work 50 hours or more each week. The
caseloads of trial judges in large urban areas have grown substantially over the
last few decades. Consequently, the responsibilities are enormous, and the
stress faced by judges in these areas is very great.
Currently, there are about 80,000 judges in the United States. Although some
judges have begun to take early retirement, tight public funding limits the
number of positions available. Also, there is always a long list of candidates
waiting to fill openings, so the compensation for positions will remain great.
For More Information
American Judges Association
This Web
site contains publications about issues concerning the judiciary.
American Judges Foundation
NCSC 300, Newport Avenue
Williamsburg, VA 23187
(800) 616-6165
This Web
site contains information about recent issues facing judges and a section
dealing with domestic violence and the courtroom.
National Judicial College
Judicial College Building
University of Nevada-Reno
Reno, NV 89557

Legal Assistant (Paralegal) ($16,000-24,000)
Job Description
Legal assistants, or paralegals, work under the supervision of licensed
attorneys. They provide support services by drafting documents, interviewing
clients, reviewing and updating files, doing legal research, assisting in the
writing of legal briefs, and preparing trial notebooks.
Legal assistants have traditionally received their training "on the job," but
many receive training today from specialized legal assistant programs at
community colleges, business schools, and universities. These programs range
from several months to four years in length and usually involve a combination of
specific legal classes, related electives, and general college requirements.
national certification is generally not a job requirement, the Certifying Board
of Legal Assistants of the National Association of Legal Assistants has
developed a two-day examination for those who are interested in receiving a
Special Skills
Legal assistants must prepare documents under the same time constraints as their
supervising attorneys. Although they are closely supervised, legal assistants
need to be able to write logically and precisely. Because they are often called
on to interview clients, paralegals must also be excellent listeners and be able
to relate to people from many different backgrounds. Knowledge of a foreign
language can be useful. Legal assistants must be able to maintain a client's
confidentiality. Proficiency in word processing, computers and "on-line" legal
research is also important in providing the legal assistant with the ability to
assist attorneys.
Salary and Benefits
Salary and benefits for paralegals range widely, depending on the type of law
office, the location, and the job responsibilities. In smaller towns and in
smaller firms, legal assistants may start at salaries ranging from $1,300 to
$1,800 per month. However, most make somewhat more money. Those paralegals hired
by the federal government average between $20,000 and $25,000 per year,
depending on their experience and training. In addition, according to a survey
by the National Association of Legal Assistants, legal assistants had an average
salary of nearly $31,000 in 1994. Although the majority of employers contribute
to medical and retirement benefits, the amount of the contribution differs among
Working Conditions
Like attorneys, paralegals do most of their work at desks in offices or
libraries. They may also be called on to interview clients at homes and
businesses and to assist attorneys in the courtroom. They generally work 40-hour
weeks but may be called on to put in extra hours to meet various deadlines.
Statistics from the Occupational Outlook Handbook indicate that the career of
legal assistant is among the fastest growing careers in the United States.
Currently, there are over 111,000 legal assistants. Competition for positions is
increasing. However, the job outlook for paralegals coming out of formal
training programs seems excellent.
For More Information
Standing Committee on Legal
American Bar Association
750 North Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 988-5000
This is part of the American Bar Association's Web site where one can find a
brief explanation of issues facing legal assistants.
National Association of Legal
Assistants, Inc.
1516 South Boston St., Suite 200
Tulsa, OK 74119
(918) 587-6828
This Web site explains the functions of legal assistants, explains the national
certification process and lists programs that are of interest to paralegals.
American Association of
P.O. Box 33108
Kansas City, MO 64114
(816) 941-4000
This Web site contains paralegal career information, qualifications for becoming
a registered paralegal, and links to sites that deal with researching legal
information and the availability of legal assistant jobs.

Legal Secretary ($16,000-22,500)
Job Description
Legal secretaries apply traditional secretarial skills to specialized legal
work. Secretarial duties often differ from attorney to attorney. Generally,
however, legal secretaries prepare legal documents for attorneys and their
clients. They also set up appointments, maintain the court calendar, handle
client billing, manage client and office files, do general word processing,
handle receptionist and telephone duties, and make travel arrangements for their
employers. Under the supervision of a managing partner, some legal secretaries
handle bookkeeping, perform office management tasks such as payroll and billing,
maintain checkbooks and office accounts, and manage other clerical personnel.
Traditionally, secretaries were prepared for their work by taking a variety of
typing/keyboarding, business, and law classes in high school. They were then
given more specialized training by their attorney-employers. This path is still
often taken by aspiring legal secretaries. However, the complexities of legal
practices now demand that secretaries come to the job with skills in many other
areas. Many legal secretaries attend one- or two-year programs at community
colleges with an emphasis on office practices, shorthand, keyboarding, business
machines, computer use, word processing, legal terminology, and law.
The Certifying Board of the National Association of Legal Secretaries gives a
test to certify a legal secretary with three years' experience as a Professional
Legal Secretary. Exam applications can be received through the e-mail.
Special Skills
Legal secretaries need to be able to take dictation and to type and keyboard
accurately and quickly. They must be able to deal with clients from many
different backgrounds. They must have strong communication skills and a good
command of the English language. They must also be able to work under pressure
and maintain client confidentiality. Knowledge of a foreign language can be
exceptionally helpful in some locations.
Salary and Benefits
The starting salary for legal secretaries varies widely depending on the
location, the size of the law firm, and the amount of responsibility. Beginning
salaries for some secretaries in small firms can be as low as $1,300 per month.
In larger areas, beginning salaries average between $20,000 and $40,000 per
year. The average salary for all secretaries is about $27,500, with some
experienced legal secretaries/office managers earning $45,000 or more. Medical
and retirement benefits vary widely from firm to firm.
Working Conditions
Legal secretaries work primarily in law offices and work approximately 40-hour
weeks. Given the demanding and diverse nature of law practices, legal
secretaries often juggle many different functions in the office while trying to
meet court deadlines. Legal secretaries must be able to deal with stressful
situations on a daily basis.
Jobs for legal secretaries should continue to grow as fast as or faster than
other types of jobs through the year 2005. Although many traditional secretarial
functions are being done by computers or other machines, increases in the volume
of legal paperwork should allow for continuing growth in this area.
For More Information
National Association of Legal
Secretaries (International)
314 East 3rd Street, Suite 210
Tulsa, OK 74120
(918) 582-5188
This site contains information about legal secretaries and lists the
qualifications to become a certified legal secretary.