Local Law Enforcement: Officers: Police
Officer, Deputy Sheriff ($20,000-26,500)
Job Description
Police officers and sheriff's deputies help enforce the law. They are a
community's primary defense against criminals. These law enforcement officials
investigate crimes, gather and secure evidence to help prosecute criminals, make
arrests, write detailed reports, assist citizens with specific emergencies, and
testify in court.
Police officers work primarily in cities or towns, while the jurisdiction of
deputies extends primarily to rural areas outside of cities where no police
department exists. In larger cities, police work can be quite specialized, with
officers specifically assigned to areas such as homicide, rape, or traffic. In
smaller towns and in rural areas, where the incidence of crime and the number of
law enforcement personnel are much lower, a police officer or sheriff's deputy
often becomes a "jack of all trades," responding to a variety of emergencies.
The education necessary to become a police officer or sheriff's deputy varies
from area to area. In some larger areas, a four-year degree in criminal justice
is required. In some small towns, only a high-school education is necessary.
Increasingly, most areas are requiring some formal training, often a two-year
associate degree. Classes taken often involve the study of criminal law, the
criminal justice system, criminal investigation, corrections, community
relations, and administration. Once hired, a law enforcement officer usually
receives additional training at a state or federal law enforcement academy.
Special Skills
A law enforcement officer must have excellent communication skills. He or she
must be able to speak clearly at the scene of a major accident and be able to
write precise, understandable reports that can be explained in court. The
officer must also be a good listener and decision maker and be able to use good
judgment in stressful, dangerous situations. A background in foreign languages,
accounting, business practices, and computers can be helpful. Knowledge of
weapons and special driving skills are also important. Finally, law enforcement
officers must be able to pass physical examinations involving agility, vision,
and strength.
Salary and Benefits
Most police officers' salaries start somewhere between $22,000 and $26,000. In
some locales, beginning salaries are as low as $18,000. The average salary
within six years is about $34,000. Most departments provide medical and life
insurance benefits, and many offer 20-year retirement plans.
Working Conditions
The duties of a police officer or sheriff's deputy may take that officer
anywhere within his or her jurisdiction. This means an officer may patrol a
regular beat; visit businesses, courts, and jails; assist at community
functions; and write reports at the office. Law enforcement officers are
increasingly asked to work in schools where they are sometimes given the title
of school resource officers (SRO). Police generally work 40-hour weeks but are
sometimes called on to put in overtime.
The job of a law enforcement official can be quite stressful. Sometimes the work
can be physically taxing. In large municipal areas, danger is ever present on
some beats. Even in the smallest town, an officer must live with the threat of
unexpected violence.
With increasing crime, the job outlook for sheriff's deputies and police
officers is excellent. However, any forecast must take into account the budget
limitations that have beset government at every level.
For More Information
International Association of
Chiefs of Police
515 N. Washington St.
Alexandria, VA 22314-2357
(703) 836-6767
(800) THE-IACP
National Association of Chiefs of Police
3801 Biscayne Blvd.
Miami, FL 33137
(305) 573-0070
This Web site gives information about law enforcement careers and crime
National Association of School
Resource Officers
P.O. Box 2390
Rowlett, TX 75030
This Web site gives information pertaining to the training of school resource
National Sheriffs Association
1450 Duke St.
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 836-7827
This site will give information about crime prevention, publications, jail
operations and research and development.

Private Detective/Investigator
Job Description
Private detectives and investigators work with attorneys, businesses, government
agencies and the public to gather facts, conduct investigations, and locate
people. About half of private investigators work in detective agencies or are
self-employed. Others work for private companies. Some investigators specialize
in a specific area such as infidelity, missing persons, or developing financial
profiles. Many investigators spend a lot of time conducting surveillance in
order to observe a person's behavior. Often an investigator will spend a lot of
time verifying facts about an individual, which might include interviewing
employers, checking data bases, or videotaping an individual.
Training requirements for private detectives vary widely from state to state,
although many states require private detectives to be licensed. Usually most
private detectives have a background in police work. Many have been through two-
or four-year law enforcement programs and law enforcement academies. Others have
served in the military where they received law enforcement training.
Working Conditions
Although detectives employed by large businesses usually work normal hours, some
investigators, due to the necessity of conducting adequate surveillance and the
pressure of meeting deadlines imposed by their employers, may work long and
irregular hours. Places of work can vary widely from the office to an automobile
parked on a public street or to a public arena.
Special Skills
Private investigators must be persistent and, if necessary, confrontational.
They must be independent thinkers who can communicate clearly. Knowledge of law
enforcement procedures, computers, accounting, computer data bases, and
electronic and video equipment is important.
Salary and Benefits
Depending on experience and place of employment, beginning salaries can range
from $20,000 to $40,000 per year. With the exception of those detectives working
for large corporations, many investigators do not receive medical and/or life
insurance or paid vacations.
According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, the employment of private
detectives and investigators is expected to increase much faster than average
for all occupations through the year 2005.
For More Information
Contact your local police department or state law enforcement agency, or visit
the Officer.com directory.
This Web site contains links to several detective agencies within the United
States that explain specifically what they do. One link also lists news relating
to detective agencies.

Private Security Guard ($15,600-40,000)
Job Description
One of the fastest growing career areas is that of private security. Private
security guards provide protection for private businesses and for individuals.
Security guards not only personally monitor what goes on in a particular place,
such as hospitals, banks, and department stores, but they also work with a
variety of electronic surveillance devices to insure the safety of individuals,
businesses, and their property. Some private security guards work for private
security services which then contract their services to businesses, while others
work directly for business organizations or individuals.
The education and qualifications of private security personnel are extremely
varied. Depending on the type of business, some security personnel are hired
when they complete law enforcement school, others from local, state, and federal
agencies. Others are hired with no experience. Usually a security guard must be
at least 18 years old and have no convictions for perjury or acts of violence.
The amount of education received varies widely from several days of on-the-job
training to several months and involves instruction in protection, public
relations, report writing, crisis deterrence, weaponry, and use of electronic
surveillance devises.
Working Conditions
Working conditions for security officers depend greatly on the hiring
organization or individual. Some security guards work 35- to 40-hour weeks on
eight-hour shifts. Other guards are hired by the hour or the day. Some officers
work long hours outside, patrolling on foot under difficult conditions. Others
are stationed indoors, watching electronic security monitors. The work of a
private security can take a guard anywhere-to a client's home, business, or a
public event.
Special Skills
The skills needed to be an effective security officer are similar to those of a
policeman. Good communication skills, a willingness to adjust to the personality
of the client, good judgment, and good vision are important. Also, an ability to
work alone and deal with electronic surveillance systems, photography, and
computers can be critical in getting certain types of security jobs.
Salary and Benefits
As with education requirements, salary and benefits vary widely. Some security
firms hire guards for as little as $7.50 per hour, where they might make only
$15,000 annually. Other firms pay officers (depending on the responsibilities)
$40,000 to $50,000 per year including medical insurance, life insurance, and
paid vacations.
The future of private security officers looks very bright. Private security
expenditures are presently about 1.7 times that of law enforcement and over the
next ten years the rate will increase to 2.4 times that of law enforcement. The
number of private security companies is expected to more than double over the
next five years. These statistics translate into many more opportunities for
those wishing to enter the field.
For More Information
Security Industry Association
635 Staters Lane, Suite 110
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 683-2075
This Web site contains a variety of information relating to private security
including information on the training of security agents, the growth of the
security industry and problems facing the industry.

Probation or Parole Officer
Job Description
Probation and parole officers supervise two types of people: offenders placed on
probation (people who fulfill the terms of court-ordered sentences) and parolees
(people who are released from prison to fulfill parole-board-ordered sentences).
In fulfilling these duties, these officers ensure the public safety while
working to help rehabilitate their clients. Serving as links to a variety of
social services, probation and parole officers try to help their clients secure
the education, counseling, jobs, and housing necessary to become fully
rehabilitated. They also write presentence reports for judges. Based on the
officers' investigative work on the offenders' backgrounds, these reports
provide judges with important information necessary to make an appropriate
sentence for each offender. Probation and parole officers testify at pretrial
and parole board hearings to help explain these reports. In addition, they are
responsible for investigating any violations of court-ordered sentences.
Generally, at the state level, probation and parole officers must complete a
four-year degree program in a social science area such as sociology, criminal
justice, psychology, or correctional counseling. Classes in writing and other
communication arts, as well as in law, are considered helpful. At the federal
level, the officer must also have at least two years of work experience in the
Special Skills
Probation and parole officers must possess excellent communication skills in
order to write precise presentence reports and be able to defend them in court.
They must also be able to relate to people from a variety of legal professions,
as well as clients with different backgrounds. In addition, probation and parole
officers must be able to deal with the stress that comes with large caseloads.
Salary and Benefits
Starting salaries at the state level vary from $20,500 to $28,000. Federal
starting salaries average about $28,000. Both state and federal governments
provide some health and retirement benefits.
Working Conditions
Probation and parole officers work in offices, courts, jails, and prisons. The
nature of their work often takes them to both the places of business and the
residences of their clients. These officers usually work a 40-hour week but may
be called on to work overtime to investigate their clients and to meet
court-ordered deadlines.
The job outlook in this area is fair. The number of defendants is growing.
However, parole has been abolished in the federal corrections system.
Nevertheless, in some areas, the budgets for probation and parole officers are
growing along with the number of prisoners. However, because of budget problems,
it is still more common for probation and parole officers to have more clients
than for government to hire more officers.
For More Information
American Probation and Parole
P.O. Box 51017
Salt Lake City, UT 84152
This site contains information on publications, position statements, jobs, and
training opportunities for probation and parole officers.

State Law Enforcement: Highway Patrol
Officer ($24,000-28,000)
Job Description
The authority of state highway patrol officers or state troopers extends past
the major roadways of the state in which they serve. State patrolmen have the
authority to arrest violators of the law anywhere within the borders of their
state. Besides apprehending criminals their duties usually include patrolling
highways, investigating motor accidents, controlling traffic, rendering aid in
disaster situations, and enforcing commercial vehicle laws.
In many states candidates need only a high school diploma or a GED equivalent.
Several states, however, require that candidates have an associate or bachelor's
degree. Successful applicants then go through a several-month training program
at a state law enforcement academy.
Special Skills
State troopers must be able to work within a chain of command, listen and
communicate well, drive skillfully, work alone and think independently, and
become proficient with a variety of weapons.
Working Conditions
Highway patrol officers usually work alone. In large rural states their area of
responsibility might encompass more than 1000 square miles. They can be far away
from back-up if they are in the process of attending to an accident or
apprehending a criminal. For this reason they must be able to think
independently. Most highway patrol officers work 40-hour weeks.
Salary and Benefits
Highway patrol officers start between $24,000 and $28,000 per year. They receive
medical and life insurance. Some officers receive a uniform cleaning allowance,
as well.
The outlook for the hiring of highway patrol officers is good, particularly in
states experiencing a population increase or in states bordering Mexico.
For More Information
Contact individual state highway patrol offices.
Directory of State Patrol and State Police Sites
This site contains links to all 50 state highway patrol sites.

U.S. Government Law
Enforcement Officer
Job Description
The duties of law enforcement officers working for the U.S. government are
similar in many respects to those of local police officers. These officers help
their respective federal agencies enforce the law. In the process of doing so,
they investigate crimes, help preserve evidence, write reports for government
prosecutors, apprehend fugitives, and testify in court.
However, the work of U.S. law enforcement officers differs from traditional law
enforcement in that their authority in dealing with federal crimes extends
throughout the United States and their work often relates to specialized types
of crimes. Also, with the exception of the officers of the U.S. Marshal Service,
the federal law enforcement officers discussed in this section are officially
designated as "special agents."
Alcohol, Tobacco,
and Firearms (ATF) Agent ATF agents work for the U.S. Treasury
Department. These agents enforce U.S. laws pertaining to the sale and possession
of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. They participate in investigations that
involve conducting surveillance, making raids, interviewing suspects and
witnesses, making arrests, obtaining search warrants, and searching for physical
evidence. ATF agents work closely with other federal, state, and local law
enforcement agencies and provide assistance in the fight against crime and
violence. ATF agents also review all evidence at the conclusion of an
investigation and prepare case reports that aid the U.S. attorney in trial
Drug Enforcement Agency
(DEA) Agent DEA agents work under the authority of the U.S.
Department of Justice in enforcing the federal Controlled Substances Act. Agents
are involved in the following: carrying out surveillance of criminals;
infiltrating illicit drug channels; identifying and apprehending drug
traffickers; confiscating illegal drug supplies; arresting drug law violators;
collecting and preparing evidence; writing detailed reports; and coordinating
activities with local, state, federal, and foreign governments to prevent the
flow of illegal drugs to and through the United States.
Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) Agent FBI agents work under the authority of
the U.S. Department of Justice and deal with investigation and apprehension of
federal fugitives, investigation of civil rights violations, and investigation
of organized crime, white-collar crime, foreign counterintelligence, sabotage,
espionage, terrorism, and kidnapping. FBI agents coordinate their activities
closely with the U.S. attorney in their jurisdiction.
Immigration and Customs Agents work for the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security to maintain the security of the borders of the United States. Their
duties include apprehending people who illegally enter the United States,
preventing products from enterting the U.S. illegally, and enforcing the proper
rules and regulations of employment of aliens in the United States.
Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) Agent IRS agents work for the U.S. Treasury Department. Their
duties involve investigating people for tax violations, money laundering,
computer fraud, and illegal tax shelters. In fulfilling these duties, the agents
interview witnesses and principals, write reports for trial preparation, and
participate in surveillance, undercover activities, and searches and seizures.
Secret Service Agent Secret
Service agents work for the U.S. Treasury Department. Their primary
responsibility is to protect the president and vice president of the United
States and their immediate families. Secret Service agents also protect past
presidents of the United States, foreign heads of state, and official
representatives of the United States performing special missions abroad. In
addition, Secret Service agents are responsible for investigating currency
counterfeiting and various types of fraud and forgery that violate federal laws.
Deputy U.S. Marshal Every
deputy U.S. marshal works under the authority of a U.S. marshal. There are 94
U.S. marshals, each appointed to manage a particular district. Service is under
the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Justice.
Deputy U.S. marshals are involved in conducting fugitive investigations,
protecting U.S. courts, protecting federal witnesses, seizing and managing
assets acquired from criminal activities, providing prisoner custody and
transportation, and providing law enforcement support in national emergencies.
FBI Agent People can enter the FBI in one of the areas listed below with the
following qualifications:
Law: J.D. degree from an accredited law school.
Accounting: B.S. degree with a major in accounting and
eligibility to take the CPA examination.
Engineering/Science: B.S. degree in engineering, computer
science, or one of the physical sciences. Additional experience may be required.
Language: B.S. or B.A. degree in any discipline and
proficiency in Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese, or another language that meets
the needs of the FBI.
ATF, DEA, IRS, and INS, Secret Service Agents, and Deputy U.S. Marshal Entry
requirements for these careers generally include a four-year college degree.
And, with the exception of IRS agents, some law enforcement experience. Those
preparing to become IRS agents should emphasize accounting and business while in
Backgrounds in foreign languages (particularly Spanish for prospective INS
agents), computers, and business are extremely helpful on the job.
Additional training is provided at one of the federal law enforcement academies
for each entering agent.
Special Skills
All federal law enforcement officers must pass rigorous physical, vision, and
medical examinations in order to be hired. They must be able to maintain the
confidentiality of their work and relate effectively to people from different
backgrounds. Like local and state law enforcement personnel, agents must be able
to listen carefully, speak articulately, write proficiently, and exercise good
judgment in dangerous situations.
Salary and Benefits
FBI agents are hired at a salary of about $33,500 per year. However, beginning
agents often make more money because of the large amount of overtime necessary
for the job. Additionally, within a few years, FBI agents progress up the
government pay scale to salaries above $50,000. Other agents generally enter the
salary schedule at about $25,000. However, within five years, agents can be
earning over $50,000. Medical and retirement benefits are provided for all U.S.
government law enforcement employees.
Working Conditions
Law enforcement agents at the federal level work in offices and courtrooms but
may travel extensively to do their jobs. They often put in a lot of overtime.
The potential for physical danger always exists. Thus, special agents carry
weapons and must be ready to use them.
The job demand for federal law enforcement officers through the year 2005,
according to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, should increase as fast as the
demand for other legal occupations because of a more security conscious society
which appears determined to reduce crime and illegal immigration. However, the
availability of jobs could be limited by the government's budget limitations.
For More Information
ATF Agent
Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, and Firearms
Personnel Division
650 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Room 4100
Washington, D.C. 20226
(202) 927-8423
This government Web site explains the history of the ATF, duties of ATF agents,
and the ATF's strategic plan and programs.
DEA Agent
DEA Headquarters
Attn: Special Agent Recruiting Unit
1405 I Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20537
(800) DEA-4288
This Web site explains the background of the DEA, as well as the
responsibilities, qualifications, salary and benefits of DEA agents.
FBI Agent
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Attn: Applicant Unit
Department of Justice
935 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
(202) 324-3000
These detailed Web sites include the history of the FBI, the qualifications and
responsibilities of FBI agents, as well as addresses of FBI regional offices.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Agent
Citizenship and Immigration Services
Immigration and Naturalization Service
Washington, D.C. 20536
This detailed site answers frequently asked questions about the Citizenship and
Immigration Servies and lists detailed career information.
IRS Agent
Internal Revenue Service
Department of the Treasury
Division of Criminal Investigation
1111 Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20224
This site explains IRS career paths, salary and benefits, and also responds to
frequently asked questions.
Secret Service Agent
United States Secret
Personnel Division
1800 G Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20223
This site contains detailed information about the role, responsibilities and
purpose of secret service agents, as well as job requirements for prospective
Deputy U.S. Marshal
Marshals Service
Employment and Compensation Division
Field Staffing Branch
600 Army Navy Drive
Arlington, VA 22202-4210
(202) 307-9600